When inserting more than 256 keys with box.auto_increment it inserts tuple with repeated first key.
Problem seems to be in index:max() op, that simply takes rightest leaf in the tree.
Problem can be reproduced with:
for i = 1, 1024 do
box.insert(0, i, i)
251: {251}
252: {252}
253: {253}
254: {254}
255: {255}
255: {255}
255: {255}
255: {255}
255: {255}
511: {511}
511: {511}
When inserting more than 256 keys with box.auto_increment it inserts tuple with repeated first key. box.space[ 0].index[ 0].idx: max())
Problem seems to be in index:max() op, that simply takes rightest leaf in the tree.
Problem can be reproduced with:
for i = 1, 1024 do
box.insert(0, i, i)
251: {251}
252: {252}
253: {253}
254: {254}
255: {255}
255: {255}
255: {255}
255: {255}
255: {255}
511: {511}
511: {511}