OK, it seems a little tricky situation. Your Tacker DB version is now at "8a7ca803e0d0" [1], but has already the next upgrade process in "c47a733f425a" [2]. I assume that you've got an error in DB creation in your manual installation (not sure exactly what it was).
The simplest and easiest way it to delete all Tacker DB tables and recreate it with the command in the manual installation. If you need to keep this environment, it may be possible to try to upgrade from "c47a733f425a" to "329cd1619d41 (head)" with the following command (but not sure it actually works for your situation...):
The latter way may also lead a tricky situation because I'm not sure the process in "c47a733f425a" was successfully done in the manual installation, and it may cause another failure in the coming operations. If you are familiar with SQL, you can get each migration process as SQL with "--sql" flag and try it manually:
OK, it seems a little tricky situation. Your Tacker DB version is now at "8a7ca803e0d0" [1], but has already the next upgrade process in "c47a733f425a" [2]. I assume that you've got an error in DB creation in your manual installation (not sure exactly what it was).
The simplest and easiest way it to delete all Tacker DB tables and recreate it with the command in the manual installation. If you need to keep this environment, it may be possible to try to upgrade from "c47a733f425a" to "329cd1619d41 (head)" with the following command (but not sure it actually works for your situation...):
tacker-db-manage --config-file /etc/tacker/ tacker. conf upgrade c47a733f425a: 329cd1619d41
The latter way may also lead a tricky situation because I'm not sure the process in "c47a733f425a" was successfully done in the manual installation, and it may cause another failure in the coming operations. If you are familiar with SQL, you can get each migration process as SQL with "--sql" flag and try it manually:
tacker-db-manage --config-file /etc/tacker/ tacker. conf upgrade c47a733f425a: 329cd1619d41 --sql
[1] https:/ /github. com/openstack/ tacker/ blob/master/ tacker/ db/migration/ alembic_ migrations/ versions/ 8a7ca803e0d0_ add_vnfc_ info_to_ instantiated_ vnf_info. py /github. com/openstack/ tacker/ blob/master/ tacker/ db/migration/ alembic_ migrations/ versions/ c47a733f425a_ add_vnflcm_ subscription. py
[2] https:/