When delete ns in horizon, get "Request Failed: internal server error while processing your request." refresh web, the ns is deleted.
Both Nfvoplugin's parent classes nfvo_db.NfvoPluginDb and ns_db.NSPluginDb have the _get_resource. In ns_db.NsPluginDb.get_ns:
def get_ns(self, context, ns_id, fields=None): ns_db = self._get_resource(context, NS, ns_id) return self._make_ns_dict(ns_db)
when self is from Nfvoplugin, it will call Nfvo_db._get_resource, because the class NfvoPlugin inherits in this order:
class NfvoPlugin(nfvo_db.NfvoPluginDb, vnffg_db.VnffgPluginDbMixin, ns_db.NSPluginDb)
but in nfvo_db.NfvoPluginDb._get_resource doesn't process the exception issubclass(model, NS).
def _get_resource(self, context, model, id): try: return self._get_by_id(context, model, id) except orm_exc.NoResultFound: if issubclass(model, Vim): raise nfvo.VimNotFoundException(vim_id=id) else: raise
We think should indicate which parent class's _get_resource will be called in nfvoplugin's get_ns.
Our version is ocata.
When delete ns in horizon, get "Request Failed: internal server error while processing your request." refresh web, the ns is deleted.
Both Nfvoplugin's parent classes nfvo_db. NfvoPluginDb and ns_db.NSPluginDb have the _get_resource. In ns_db.NsPluginD b.get_ns:
def get_ns(self, context, ns_id, fields=None): resource( context, NS, ns_id) ns_dict( ns_db)
ns_db = self._get_
return self._make_
when self is from Nfvoplugin, it will call Nfvo_db. _get_resource, because the class NfvoPlugin inherits in this order:
class NfvoPlugin( nfvo_db. NfvoPluginDb, vnffg_db. VnffgPluginDbMi xin,
ns_db. NSPluginDb)
but in nfvo_db. NfvoPluginDb. _get_resource doesn't process the exception issubclass(model, NS).
def _get_resource(self, context, model, id): by_id(context, model, id) NoResultFound:
raise nfvo.VimNotFoun dException( vim_id= id)
return self._get_
except orm_exc.
if issubclass(model, Vim):
We think should indicate which parent class's _get_resource will be called in nfvoplugin's get_ns.
Our version is ocata.