link-dupont really nailed it! I am having the same issue on an HP Elitebook 8770w with ONLY an NVIDIA Quadro K3000M, using the proprietary driver version 387.34 on Fedora 27, Kernel 4.14.3-300
to no avail, so removed all of that and installed inotify-tools, I do have /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0 so I ended up with the following script in /home/YOURUSERHERE/Scripts/
link-dupont really nailed it! I am having the same issue on an HP Elitebook 8770w with ONLY an NVIDIA Quadro K3000M, using the proprietary driver version 387.34 on Fedora 27, Kernel 4.14.3-300
I tried all:
acpi_backlight= video vendor native
to no avail, so removed all of that and installed inotify-tools, I do have /sys/class/ backlight/ acpi_video0 so I ended up with the following script in /home/YOURUSERH ERE/Scripts/ backlight_ inotify. sh
path=/sys/ class/backlight /acpi_video0
luminance() { /actual_ brightness
read -r level < "$path"
factor=$((100 / max))
printf '%d\n' "$((level * factor))"
read -r max < "$path" /max_brightness
nvidia-settings -n -a BacklightBright ness="$ (luminance) "
inotifywait -me modify --format '' "$path" /actual_ brightness | while read; do ness="$ (luminance) "
nvidia-settings -n -a BacklightBright
And then created file brightnessfix. desktop under /home/YOURUSERH ERE/.config/ autostart
[Desktop Entry] YOURUSERHERE/ Scripts/ backlight_ inotify. sh US]=backlightfi x.desktop
Name=Brightness Fix
It is a very effective workaround, thanks.