I have reported <Ctrl+Shift> interference about as bug 1245473.
For myself I "fixed" this bug by switching to MATE DE on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I hope to be there until 2021 year.
It is bad, that modern MATE versions have this interference problem (see bug 1720364).
Dear Mikhail and all!
I have a discussion on Maillist (https:/ /lists. ubuntu. com/archives/ ubuntu- devel-discuss/ 2017-May/ 017419. html) about keyboard layout switching. It has no positive results.
I have reported <Ctrl+Shift> interference about as bug 1245473.
For myself I "fixed" this bug by switching to MATE DE on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I hope to be there until 2021 year.
It is bad, that modern MATE versions have this interference problem (see bug 1720364).
I tried to start a discussion on Maillist ( https:/ /lists. ubuntu. com/archives/ ubuntu- devel-discuss/ 2017-October/ 017752. html ) about using MATE DE as default desktop on Ubuntu, but they want to stick with GNOME.
Switching to Wayland adds other interference - <Alt+Shift> as layout switcher opens Firefox menu (see bug 1712200).
It's time to test MATE DE on old-good and stable Xorg.