I fixed it in my newsync branch; It now removes all outdated MODIFY events for the same file. Check it out here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~binwiederhier/syncany/newsync/revision/67#syncany/syncany-core/src/main/java/name/pachler/nio/file/contrib/BufferedWatcher.java
What do you think? It's probably not perfect since the event queue is (once again) walked through, but it's better than passing every single event to the indexer.
I fixed it in my newsync branch; It now removes all outdated MODIFY bazaar. launchpad. net/~binwiederh ier/syncany/ newsync/ revision/ 67#syncany/ syncany- core/src/ main/java/ name/pachler/ nio/file/ contrib/ BufferedWatcher .java
events for the same file. Check it out here:
What do you think? It's probably not perfect since the event queue is
(once again) walked through, but it's better than passing every single
event to the indexer.