synaptic writes its log in /root/.synaptic/log (to see it you have to use "su" in the console and than cd to it) in this format:
apt writes all its log in /var/log/apt/term.log
The synaptic log contains only basic info about the packages that have been installed/uninstalled/updated, while the apt log contains all the text that apt outputs on the screen.
So we have to change the format and the directory of the apt logs...
synaptic writes its log in /root/.synaptic/log (to see it you have to use "su" in the console and than cd to it) in this format:
Eg: 01.230109. log
apt writes all its log in /var/log/ apt/term. log
The synaptic log contains only basic info about the packages that have been installed/ uninstalled/ updated, while the apt log contains all the text that apt outputs on the screen.
So we have to change the format and the directory of the apt logs...