rules: evdev
model: pc105
layout: us
options: grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll
Which doesn't seem correct because it doesn't have the additional layout (that is configured). After I change the layout using the graphical layout indicator, setxkbmap -query has this:
Also affects me.
With English selected, setxkbmap -query shows:
rules: evdev shift_toggle, grp_led: scroll
model: pc105
layout: us
options: grp:alt_
Which doesn't seem correct because it doesn't have the additional layout (that is configured). After I change the layout using the graphical layout indicator, setxkbmap -query has this:
rules: evdev shift_toggle, grp_led: scroll
model: pc105
layout: il,us
variant: ,
options: grp:alt_
in both cases ALT+SHIFT does nothing.
Also, it may or may not be related, but selecting "Text Entry Settings..." from the keyboard layout indicator menu does nothing.