I tried and then I tried again but was unable to construct a test case that would actually leak file descriptor. It's all this silly line to blame: https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/commit/30fd49f44b5e6edeff5fa45e569e91b8ad1a5841 And while moving that `shutdown+close` under `finally` actually seems a good idea, but is blurred by the fact that there is no internal use case to explain that change.
So my guess: somewhere somehow like `class ChunkWriteError(Timeout)`, the actual `socket.timeout` mutates to another exception which is not expected by Eventlet wsgi server.
Taking this long proves that these problems are at the limit of my cognitive capacity, so if more clever people see that this issue could actually be cured at Eventlet level, I'm glad to release fix.
Otherwise, I suggest adding another parent class: `socket.timeout` to your chunk errors or explicitly catch chunk errors and force socket close.
I tried and then I tried again but was unable to construct a test case that would actually leak file descriptor. It's all this silly line to blame: https:/ /github. com/eventlet/ eventlet/ commit/ 30fd49f44b5e6ed eff5fa45e569e91 b8ad1a5841 And while moving that `shutdown+close` under `finally` actually seems a good idea, but is blurred by the fact that there is no internal use case to explain that change.
So my guess: somewhere somehow like `class ChunkWriteError (Timeout) `, the actual `socket.timeout` mutates to another exception which is not expected by Eventlet wsgi server.
Taking this long proves that these problems are at the limit of my cognitive capacity, so if more clever people see that this issue could actually be cured at Eventlet level, I'm glad to release fix.
Otherwise, I suggest adding another parent class: `socket.timeout` to your chunk errors or explicitly catch chunk errors and force socket close.