Disallow unsafe tempurl operations to point to unauthorized data
Do not allow PUT tempurls to create pointers to other data. Specifically
disallow the creation of DLO object manifests by returning an error if a
non-safe tempurl request includes an X-Object-Manifest header regardless of
the value of the header.
This prevents discoverability attacks which can use any PUT tempurl to probe
for private data by creating a DLO object manifest and then using the PUT
tempurl to head the object which would 404 if the prefix does not match any
object data or form a valid DLO HEAD response if it does.
This also prevents a tricky and potentially unexpected consequence of PUT
tempurls which would make it unsafe to allow a user to download objects
created by tempurl (even if they just created them) because the result of
reading the object created via tempurl may not be the data which was uploaded.
Co-Authored-By: Kota Tsuyuzaki <email address hidden>
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/217254 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ swift/commit/ ?id=410778b86a4 9702f80b734bdbf 2480b86db342e2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 410778b86a49702 f80b734bdbf2480 b86db342e2
Author: Clay Gerrard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 23 22:36:21 2015 -0700
Disallow unsafe tempurl operations to point to unauthorized data
Do not allow PUT tempurls to create pointers to other data. Specifically
disallow the creation of DLO object manifests by returning an error if a
non-safe tempurl request includes an X-Object-Manifest header regardless of
the value of the header.
This prevents discoverability attacks which can use any PUT tempurl to probe
for private data by creating a DLO object manifest and then using the PUT
tempurl to head the object which would 404 if the prefix does not match any
object data or form a valid DLO HEAD response if it does.
This also prevents a tricky and potentially unexpected consequence of PUT
tempurls which would make it unsafe to allow a user to download objects
created by tempurl (even if they just created them) because the result of
reading the object created via tempurl may not be the data which was uploaded.
Co-Authored-By: Kota Tsuyuzaki <email address hidden>
Closes-Bug: 1453948
Change-Id: I91161dfb0f089c 3990aca1b4255b5 20299ef73c8