I happened to hit a login problem which could be the same problem, or perhaps another one; in my case clicking login from Chrome would bring me to a broken partial page (which I failed to capture). I eventually solved it, so perhaps this will help.
Here's what I did:
* tried login with a new Chrome anonymous session; didn't work
* tried login with Ubuntu's Chromium that I hadn't used in months; didn't work
* tried login with Firefox; worked; still couldn't login with Chrome afterwards
* removed summit.linaro.org session_id cookie from Chrome manually
* could login with Chrome!
So I would suggest you do the same and try to login with another browser, or perhaps creating a truly blank profile somewhere to try to login. Then remove all summit.linaro.org cookies from your usual browser/profile. Then login again.
I happened to hit a login problem which could be the same problem, or perhaps another one; in my case clicking login from Chrome would bring me to a broken partial page (which I failed to capture). I eventually solved it, so perhaps this will help.
Here's what I did:
* tried login with a new Chrome anonymous session; didn't work
* tried login with Ubuntu's Chromium that I hadn't used in months; didn't work
* tried login with Firefox; worked; still couldn't login with Chrome afterwards
* removed summit.linaro.org session_id cookie from Chrome manually
* could login with Chrome!
So I would suggest you do the same and try to login with another browser, or perhaps creating a truly blank profile somewhere to try to login. Then remove all summit.linaro.org cookies from your usual browser/profile. Then login again.