Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 2fad54233dde0640d52e4111b11a628ba8a0ce27 Author: Fengqian Gao <email address hidden> Date: Mon Mar 10 10:03:08 2014 +0800
Use six.moves.urllib.parse instead of urlparse
To keep Python 3.x compatibility, use six.moves.urllib.parse to replace urlparse. tools/lintstack is changed to pass pylint test.
Partial-Bug: #1279611
Change-Id: I0ceaaccbf6c67b45609b4f2f5639c362b32d10ad
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/72845 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=2fad54233dd e0640d52e4111b1 1a628ba8a0ce27
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 2fad54233dde064 0d52e4111b11a62 8ba8a0ce27
Author: Fengqian Gao <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 10 10:03:08 2014 +0800
Use six.moves. urllib. parse instead of urlparse
To keep Python 3.x compatibility, use six.moves. urllib. parse to
replace urlparse. tools/lintstack is changed to pass pylint test.
Partial-Bug: #1279611
Change-Id: I0ceaaccbf6c67b 45609b4f2f5639c 362b32d10ad