Remove restore subcloud admin endpoint certificate from config
This change is to exclude the admin endpoint certificate from restore
to config directory. The admin endpoint certificate is stored in k8s
(backup) and restore as part of k8s restore. Sysinv will generate it
into hieradata from k8s secret and puppet will genereate the pem for
Partial-Bug: 1923510
Signed-off-by: Bin Qian <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Iae8fb9c53e0aa6797a25b872adb0c99636c4243a
(cherry picked from commit bc0fba6bbbd0182c4886e5a3ccbfc2d0973cfd70)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/starlingx /ansible- playbooks/ +/790722 /opendev. org/starlingx/ ansible- playbooks/ commit/ 0fe9a931d375b92 66b16b74e1adcec 9aaf3bfadf
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: r/stx.5.0
commit 0fe9a931d375b92 66b16b74e1adcec 9aaf3bfadf
Author: Bin Qian <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 28 11:52:36 2021 -0400
Remove restore subcloud admin endpoint certificate from config
This change is to exclude the admin endpoint certificate from restore
to config directory. The admin endpoint certificate is stored in k8s
(backup) and restore as part of k8s restore. Sysinv will generate it
into hieradata from k8s secret and puppet will genereate the pem for
Depends-On: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/starlingx /stx-puppet/ +/786666 797a25b872adb0c 99636c4243a c4886e5a3ccbfc2 d0973cfd70)
Partial-Bug: 1923510
Signed-off-by: Bin Qian <email address hidden>
Change-Id: Iae8fb9c53e0aa6
(cherry picked from commit bc0fba6bbbd0182