Just a note, helm is using package sqlx to establish connection with postgres backend and sqlx is using Golong postgres driver. The "broken pipe" issue is an issue in Golang Postgres driver - https://github.com/lib/pq/issues/870 which was just fixed at the end of last year https://github.com/lib/pq/pull/1013. Has not been merged to sqlx https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx/pull/715
Just a note, helm is using package sqlx to establish connection with postgres backend and sqlx is using Golong postgres driver. The "broken pipe" issue is an issue in Golang Postgres driver - https:/ /github. com/lib/ pq/issues/ 870 which was just fixed at the end of last year https:/ /github. com/lib/ pq/pull/ 1013. Has not been merged to sqlx https:/ /github. com/jmoiron/ sqlx/pull/ 715