According to the following error information:
sysinv.conductor.manager [-] Failed check_nodes_stable. ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith')
The call stack is as below(the file sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/sysinv/conductor/
function check_nodes_stable
hosts = self.dbapi.ihost_get_list()
... host.vim_progress_status.startswith(...)
then use "except Exception as e" to catch the exception NoneType's startswith. That means the hosts is none. we couldn't got the nodes information by the dbapi.ihost_get_list function.
Even though I couldn't find any relationship between this issue and nss packages upgraded so far,
I find that, as the last comment shown, the following commits
./stx-tools 07b8d07a36942e88b45bc5fa7c95cfa76af08463 2021-02-15 15:06:36 +0000 Gerrit Code Review <email address hidden> Merge "nspr/nss/nss-softokn/nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745"
./stx-tools 6ed078685c413b7199cd18bdde6cb8ad33fdb711 2021-01-28 21:36:35 -0500 Zhixiong Chi <email address hidden> nspr/nss/nss-softokn/nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745
According to the following error information: conductor. manager [-] Failed check_nodes_stable. ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith') sysinv/ sysinv/ sysinv/ conductor/ manager. py): ihost_get_ list()
host.vim_ progress_ status. startswith( ...)
The call stack is as below(the file sysinv/
function check_nodes_stable
hosts = self.dbapi.
then use "except Exception as e" to catch the exception NoneType's startswith. That means the hosts is none. we couldn't got the nodes information by the dbapi.ihost_ get_list function.
Even though I couldn't find any relationship between this issue and nss packages upgraded so far,
I find that, as the last comment shown, the following commits
./stx-tools 07b8d07a36942e8 8b45bc5fa7c95cf a76af08463 2021-02-15 15:06:36 +0000 Gerrit Code Review <email address hidden> Merge "nspr/nss/ nss-softokn/ nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745" 199cd18bdde6cb8 ad33fdb711 2021-01-28 21:36:35 -0500 Zhixiong Chi <email address hidden> nspr/nss/ nss-softokn/ nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745
./stx-tools 6ed078685c413b7
are the NULL operation, because we merge the same code in the commit https:/ /review. opendev. org/plugins/ gitiles/ starlingx/ tools/+ /ebc9f32d7de526 b44234a56423dd6 785243cc386, which was provided by Joe Slater.
If this issue is introduced by this upgraded nss package, it will be possible Joe can provide some more useful information and diagnosis for it.
Hi Alexandru Dimofte,
Could you provide the detailed command and steps to reproduce this issue? Thanks.