Based on the changelogs, the additional commits between the two loads are:
./stx-tools 07b8d07a36942e88b45bc5fa7c95cfa76af08463 2021-02-15 15:06:36 +0000 Gerrit Code Review <email address hidden> Merge "nspr/nss/nss-softokn/nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745"
./stx-tools 6ed078685c413b7199cd18bdde6cb8ad33fdb711 2021-01-28 21:36:35 -0500 Zhixiong Chi <email address hidden> nspr/nss/nss-softokn/nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745
Based on the changelogs, the additional commits between the two loads are: 8b45bc5fa7c95cf a76af08463 2021-02-15 15:06:36 +0000 Gerrit Code Review <email address hidden> Merge "nspr/nss/ nss-softokn/ nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745" 199cd18bdde6cb8 ad33fdb711 2021-01-28 21:36:35 -0500 Zhixiong Chi <email address hidden> nspr/nss/ nss-softokn/ nss-util: CVE-2018-12404 and CVE-2019-11745
./stx-tools 07b8d07a36942e8
./stx-tools 6ed078685c413b7
See: mirror. starlingx. mirror/ starlingx/ master/ centos/ flock/20210216T 003258Z/ outputs/ CHANGELOG. txt