Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit c5d20692d9c56d4dc5182bb6af8580961822116e Author: Devdatta Kulkarni <email address hidden> Date: Mon Aug 17 15:12:35 2015 -0500
Parsing subnet-id for ipv4 subnet from neutron
Parsing the subnet-id from neutron which corresponds to the ipv4 address. Currently, when parsing the neutron subnet ids, we are picking the first entry from a list. See line 26 of:
However, the first entry could be either for ipv4 subnet or ipv6 subnet. We want to pick the ipv4 subnet id.
Fixes-Bug: #1485749
Change-Id: I6ff79853e9879436dbbb730eda637179be2082e0
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/213854 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ solum/commit/ ?id=c5d20692d9c 56d4dc5182bb6af 8580961822116e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit c5d20692d9c56d4 dc5182bb6af8580 961822116e
Author: Devdatta Kulkarni <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 17 15:12:35 2015 -0500
Parsing subnet-id for ipv4 subnet from neutron
Parsing the subnet-id from neutron which corresponds to the ipv4 address.
Currently, when parsing the neutron subnet ids, we are picking the first
entry from a list. See line 26 of:
https:/ /github. com/stackforge/ solum/blob/ master/ solum/common/ heat_utils. py
However, the first entry could be either for ipv4 subnet or ipv6 subnet.
We want to pick the ipv4 subnet id.
Fixes-Bug: #1485749
Change-Id: I6ff79853e98794 36dbbb730eda637 179be2082e0