2) I want to test whether coreos template would work in a situation where neutron might not be available.
So I decided to remove neutron from the mix. I have created a simpler template in which I don't have public_port and floating_ip resources. I have also removed references to these resources and have also removed the corresponding parameters.
@paulcz: Thanks for the suggestion on nova. will try it.
About skipping neutron.. I am doing it for two reasons.
1) In the VM flow, I was running into a 'subnet' error (https:/ /github. com/rackerlabs/ vagrant- solum-dev/ issues/ 31)
2) I want to test whether coreos template would work in a situation where neutron might not be available.
So I decided to remove neutron from the mix. I have created a simpler template in which I don't have public_port and floating_ip resources. I have also removed references to these resources and have also removed the corresponding parameters.