------------------------------------------------------------------发件人:Devdatta Kulkarni <email address hidden>发送时间:2016年6月16日(星期四) 01:19收件人:caowei_e <email address hidden>主 题:[Bug 1390246] Re: No valid host found when trying to run coreos template through Heat
** Changed in: solum
Assignee: Devdatta Kulkarni (devdatta-kulkarni) => caowei (caowei-e)
Apart from this, there were several bugs that I found in
(Here is a summary of those)
- lib/solum does not install docker and docker-registry when the SOLUM_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to 'vm'. The code is present though. So don't know why these are not getting installed.
- vm-slug/build-app
- docker ps needs to be changed to sudo docker ps
- LOG_FILE=$(GET_LOGFILE) line needs to be added
Finally, on the devstack host machine I had to manually install 'libguestfs-tools' (sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools). This should be made part of lib/solum.
Moreover, for this patch to work, we need a glance image named 'coreos'. For that I followed instructions on
OK ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---发件人: Devdatta Kulkarni <email address hidden> 发送时间:2016年6月16日 (星期四) 01:19收件人:caowei_e <email address hidden>主 题:[Bug 1390246] Re: No valid host found when trying to run coreos template through Heat
** Changed in: solum
Assignee: Devdatta Kulkarni (devdatta-kulkarni) => caowei (caowei-e)
-- /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1390246
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Matching subscriptions: solum
No valid host found when trying to run coreos template through Heat
Status in Solum:
Bug description:
While building and testing this patch:
https:/ /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 102646/
I am seeing following error in solum-deployer
"stack": {"parent": null, "disable_rollback": true, "description": "Basic app deploy.\n", "links": [{"href": "http:// 10.0.2. 15:8004/ v1/970d61363eec 48d2864f4fc85f9 0fd5c/stacks/ ex14-e15c3262- d519-4cef- 961b-42f59b10ef 66/ff1940f9- a813-4ccb- a392-cc997dd407 30", "rel": "self"}], "stack_ status_ reason" : "Resource CREATE failed: ResourceInError: Went to status ERROR due to \"Message: No valid host was found. , Code: 500\"", "stack_name": "ex14-e15c3262- d519-4cef- 961b-42f59b10ef 66", "outputs": [{"output_value": "", "description": "The public IP address of the newly configured Server.", "output_key": "public_ip"}, {"output_value": "http:// :5000", "description": "The URL for the Server.", "output_key": "URL"}], "stack_owner": null, "creation_time": "2014-11- 06T22:36: 01Z", "capabilities": [], "notification_ topics" : [], "updated_time": null, "timeout_mins": null, "stack_status": "CREATE_FAILED", "parameters": {"OS::stack_id": "ff1940f9- a813-4ccb- a392-cc997dd407 30", "OS::stack_name": "ex14-e15c3262- d519-4cef- 961b-42f59b10ef 66", "key_name": "", "image": "coreos", "du_image": "10.0.2. 15:5042/ nodeus" , "flavor": "m1.small", "port": "5000", "app_name": "ex14"}, "id": "ff1940f9- a813-4ccb- a392-cc997dd407 30", "template_ description" : "Basic app deploy.\n"}} http_response /opt/stack/ python- heatclient/ heatclient/ common/ http.py: 133 _drivers. impl_rabbit [-] Connected to AMQP server on
2014-11-06 22:37:52.864 13986 INFO oslo.messaging.
I am seeing this in the vagrant environment, which is from here /github. com/rackerlabs/ vagrant- solum-dev) but modified as
I am using
SOLUM_ IMAGE_FORMAT= vm BRANCH= d1ad84793b7f218 2de04df8a5323d6 928af672ca BRANCH= ba842f5374f28d1 f17bc008349a2d0 1958dfe82d
In local.conf.vm, I have:
GLANCE_ BRANCH= 8c161b6a4b0a761 7ee224b23ada0a3 68e97eaae7 BRANCH= c5ac21f3dbb4ad5 9efcb631d91e4e6 4f77fba43f BRANCH= 56811cfb6d00a5c 0a80bbe964b1786 05e7cdd12c /github. com/devdattakul karni/heat. git
I am using a modified version of coreos.yaml /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 102646/ 10/etc/ solum/templates /coreos. yaml).
In my modified version, I am not using neutron. Correspondingly, I
have commented out following in local.con.vm:
#enable_service q-svc
#enable_service q-agt
#enable_service q-dhcp
#enable_service q-l3
#enable_service q-meta
#enable_service neutron
I have also commented out following line in deployer/ handlers/ heat.py
#parameters. update( heat_utils. get_network_ parameters( osc))
Apart from this, there were several bugs that I found in
(Here is a summary of those)
- lib/solum does not install docker and docker-registry when the SOLUM_IMAGE_FORMAT is set to 'vm'. The code is present though. So don't know why these are not getting installed.
- vm-slug/build-app $(GET_LOGFILE) line needs to be added
- docker ps needs to be changed to sudo docker ps
Finally, on the devstack host machine I had to manually install 'libguestfs-tools' (sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools). This should be made part of lib/solum.
Moreover, for this patch to work, we need a glance image named 'coreos'. For that I followed instructions on
https:/ /coreos. com/docs/ running- coreos/ platforms/ openstack/
with the glance image-create command as follows:
glance image-create --name coreos --container-format bare --disk- production_ openstack_ image.img
format qcow2 --file coreos_
To manage notifications about this bug go to: /bugs.launchpad .net/solum/ +bug/1390246/ +subscriptions