Comment 0 for bug 2020753

Revision history for this message
Alex Lutay (taurus) wrote :


It is a bugreport branched from the MM question:

The charmhub track can be closed, but the last revision there is still installable,
e.g. mysql-k8s or mysql-router-k8s in the latest/edge.
It looks like resources are no longer reachable for the closed tracks/revisions:

ubuntu@taurus-dev:~$ juju deploy mysql-router-k8s --channel latest/edge --trust
Located charm "mysql-router-k8s" in charm-hub, revision 24
Deploying "mysql-router-k8s" from charm-hub charm "mysql-router-k8s", revision 24 in channel latest/edge on jammy

ubuntu@taurus-dev:~$ juju debug-log --tail
controller-0: 13:24:27 ERROR juju.worker.caasapplicationprovisioner.runner exited "mysql-router-k8s": getting OCI image resources: unable to fetch OCI image resources for mysql-router-k8s: while getting resource from charmhub: resource "mysql-router-image" not found
Is it expected? The case to keep the last revision installable is OK for VM (if not resources uploaded), but it looks barely usable for K8s charms with mandatory OCI resource attached.


Sergio reply: "... it seems strange that you can install anything from a channel that is closed ..."

The discussion on Engineering meeting went to no final decision, bugreported here:

Juju either have to:
1) do NOT allow to install revisions from closed tracks (e.g. snap way of closing tracks)
2) allow to install revision from closed tracks => fix resources availability (e.g. OCI for K8s chamrs).

Thank you!