Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
superproductivity 7.14.2 1784 latest/edge johannesjo -
- Operating System and version: cpe:/o:opensuse:tumbleweed:20230823
- Desktop Environment: KDE Plasma
- Browser Name and version:
### Expected Behavior
SuperProductivity should be invocable from the Application Launcher (Start Menu) Plasmoid (widget).
Please note that the `--edge` `thunderbird` `snap` also exhibited this behaviour until approximately last week, but this appears to have been remediated without my intervention (except `snap refresh`).
### Current Behavior
<!--- Tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior -->
### Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
<!--- Does the error happen once or are you able to reproduce it reliably? --->
<!--- Provide a link to a live example or an unambiguous set of steps to -->
<!--- reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant -->
<!--- Is there any output if you press Ctrl+Shift+i (Cmd+Alt+i for mac) in the console tab? If so please post it here. -->
SNAP: common directory is used
15:12:26.575 › { enabled: null, showDevTools: false, mode: 'bottom' }
(superproductivity:18377): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:12:26.765: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:3536:25: 'font-feature-settings' is not a valid property name
Gtk-Message: 15:12:26.779: Failed to load module "colorreload-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 15:12:26.779: Failed to load module "window-decorations-gtk-module"
Saving backups to /home/rokejulianlockhart/snap/superproductivity/common/.config/superProductivity/backups
15:12:27.535 › Saving backups to /home/rokejulianlockhart/snap/superproductivity/common/.config/superProductivity/backups
/usr/share/libdrm/amdgpu.ids: No such file or directory
15:12:29.511 › No custom styles detected at /home/rokejulianlockhart/snap/superproductivity/common/.config/superProductivity/styles.css
<!--- For the desktop versions, there is also an error log file in case there is no console output.
Usually, you can find it here:
on Linux: ~/.config/superProductivity/logs/main.log
on macOS: ~/Library/Logs/superProductivity/main.log
on Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\superProductivity\logs\main.log
If you don't feel comfortable posting your logs here in public you can also send to me via email: <email address hidden>
. -->
<!--- Your issue may already be reported!
!!! Please search the issues before creating one !!! -->
### Your Environment
<!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in -->
- Version used:
snap info superproductivity
```log nlockhart> snap info superproductivity /snapcraft. io/superproduct ivity /github. com/johannesjo/ super-productiv ity DP83fJ6zIZyd5R1 sA candidate: 7.14.2 2023-08-21 (1776) 89MB - nlockhart>
PS /home/rokejulia
name: superproductivity
publisher: johannesjo
store-url: https:/
contact: https:/
license: unset
- superproductivity
snap-id: wZo5sef6NuUKCW6
tracking: latest/edge
refresh-date: 2 days ago, at 19:22 BST
latest/stable: 7.13.2 2023-04-16 (1737) 89MB -
latest/beta: ↑
latest/edge: 7.14.2 2023-08-25 (1784) 89MB -
installed: 7.14.2 (1784) 89MB -
PS /home/rokejulia
snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
superproductivity 7.14.2 1784 latest/edge johannesjo -
- Operating System and version: cpe:/o: opensuse: tumbleweed: 20230823
- Desktop Environment: KDE Plasma
- Browser Name and version:
### Expected Behavior
SuperProductivity should be invocable from the Application Launcher (Start Menu) Plasmoid (widget).
Please note that the `--edge` `thunderbird` `snap` also exhibited this behaviour until approximately last week, but this appears to have been remediated without my intervention (except `snap refresh`).
### Current Behavior
<!--- Tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior -->
### Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
<!--- Does the error happen once or are you able to reproduce it reliably? --->
<!--- Provide a link to a live example or an unambiguous set of steps to -->
<!--- reproduce this bug. Include code to reproduce, if relevant -->
0. ```sh latest/ edge /github. com/johannesjo/ super-productiv ity/assets/ 42837531/ b1fed299- e8fa-427b- ad9e-e53982ea42 b4)
snap install superproductivity --channel=
0. ![image](https:/
### Can you reproduce this reliably?
### Console Output
<!--- Is there any output if you press Ctrl+Shift+i (Cmd+Alt+i for mac) in the console tab? If so please post it here. -->
SNAP: common directory is used
15:12:26.575 › { enabled: null, showDevTools: false, mode: 'bottom' }
(superproductiv ity:18377) : Gtk-WARNING **: 15:12:26.765: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:3536:25: 'font-feature- settings' is not a valid property name gtk-module" decorations- gtk-module" nlockhart/ snap/superprodu ctivity/ common/ .config/ superProductivi ty/backups nlockhart/ snap/superprodu ctivity/ common/ .config/ superProductivi ty/backups libdrm/ amdgpu. ids: No such file or directory nlockhart/ snap/superprodu ctivity/ common/ .config/ superProductivi ty/styles. css
Gtk-Message: 15:12:26.779: Failed to load module "colorreload-
Gtk-Message: 15:12:26.779: Failed to load module "window-
Saving backups to /home/rokejulia
15:12:27.535 › Saving backups to /home/rokejulia
15:12:29.511 › No custom styles detected at /home/rokejulia
So yes, but unfortunately, the application only launches with the console enabled. https:/ /discuss. kde.org/ t/shouldnt- the-file- property- editor- have-an- apply-button/ 4394/1? u=rokejulianloc khart confirms this.
### Error Log (Desktop only)
<!--- For the desktop versions, there is also an error log file in case there is no console output. superProductivi ty/logs/ main.log Logs/superProdu ctivity/ main.log \AppData\ Roaming\ superProductivi ty\logs\ main.log
Usually, you can find it here:
on Linux: ~/.config/
on macOS: ~/Library/
on Windows: %USERPROFILE%
If you don't feel comfortable posting your logs here in public you can also send to me via email: <email address hidden>
. -->
[main.log](https:/ /github. com/johannesjo/ super-productiv ity/files/ 12448147/ main.log)