Comment 5 for bug 1933392

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Ian Johnson (anonymouse67) wrote : Re: snapctl "error: access denied" on core 16-2.51 + Debian Stretch

> I think it's a reasonable expectation that the certbot snap, with its plugins, works out of the box with the snapd that shipped with Debian.

I tend to disagree with this line of thinking, no software is perfectly without bugs at a given point in time, by trying to upload a new version of snapd to backports we would be providing a fix for this bug, to me it sounds like you are saying that we can't fix bugs...

> Otherwise, you're effectively saying that you don't care about regressing snapd as shipped on non-Ubuntu distributions

I don't think that's what's being said at all, we do care, there was just a bug in that old version of snapd 2.21 that we have since fixed and so hence we would need to update snapd there.

One workaround the certbot snap could do to workaround this ancient version of snapd in Debian would be to always require the core or snapd snaps to be installed, and then to execute `/snap/{snapd,core}/current/usr/bin/snapctl` for it's snapctl things. You could ensure that the core/snapd snaps are installed via:

if ! snap list core 2>/dev/null && ! snap list snapd 2>/dev/null; then
    snap install snapd
    if snap list core; then

$SNAPCTL foo ...