What is your output of "apt-cache policy snapd" and what version of snapd is shown by "snap list"?
I checked their GitHub page, and at <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap/main.go#L173> the description is different from comment #4 since it also includes "in locale "pt_BR"", which itself was changed fairly recently on May 18, 2021 with the commit <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/d6002db1fbf048baeac4c2e55c2d939579709249#diff-3e3ed6fb2507f825b010f93a1e81f1610fca76413b0eb9588f8c23e7095cf0a2>
The conditional expression itself didn't change though, so I think the bug itself should be before that or was created after it in the translation sources (I don't know how/where to check them though, any help is greatly appreciated)
What is your output of "apt-cache policy snapd" and what version of snapd is shown by "snap list"?
I checked their GitHub page, and at <https:/ /github. com/snapcore/ snapd/blob/ master/ cmd/snap/ main.go# L173> the description is different from comment #4 since it also includes "in locale "pt_BR"", which itself was changed fairly recently on May 18, 2021 with the commit <https:/ /github. com/snapcore/ snapd/commit/ d6002db1fbf048b aeac4c2e55c2d93 9579709249# diff-3e3ed6fb25 07f825b010f93a1 e81f1610fca7641 3b0eb9588f8c23e 7095cf0a2>
The conditional expression itself didn't change though, so I think the bug itself should be before that or was created after it in the translation sources (I don't know how/where to check them though, any help is greatly appreciated)