I found a work around that allows me to keep the debug kernel parameter and for snap refresh to continue working. Systemd recognizes the systemd.log_level kernel parameter, so I put systemd.log_level=info on the command line to effectively have systemd ignore the debug kernel parameter. One thing to note though, this parameter MUST come after the debug parameter. It seems as though systemd goes through parameters from left to right, so the last one will override any previous parameters affecting the log level.
I found a work around that allows me to keep the debug kernel parameter and for snap refresh to continue working. Systemd recognizes the systemd.log_level kernel parameter, so I put systemd. log_level= info on the command line to effectively have systemd ignore the debug kernel parameter. One thing to note though, this parameter MUST come after the debug parameter. It seems as though systemd goes through parameters from left to right, so the last one will override any previous parameters affecting the log level.