In the Cassandra snap, the config is copied into $SNAP_DATA at runtime (if not already present) [1]. Helper programs are provided for getting, setting, and environment variable lookup (for templating) [2].
Having native support for config will bring consistency with other snapped applications, but otherwise this works quite well.
I think hack is an unnecessarily strong term.
In the Cassandra snap, the config is copied into $SNAP_DATA at runtime (if not already present) [1]. Helper programs are provided for getting, setting, and environment variable lookup (for templating) [2].
Having native support for config will bring consistency with other snapped applications, but otherwise this works quite well.
1: https:/ /github. com/evandandrea /cassandra- snap/blob/ master/ wrapper- cassandra /lists. ubuntu. com/archives/ snapcraft/ 2016-July/ 000362. html
2: https:/