Dynamically generate proxy settings for image syncs
sstream-mirror-glance has several endpoints it needs to talk to:
* Image mirrors - typically, public Internet endpoints;
* Keystone - typically, a directly reachable endpoint;
* Glance - typically, a directly reachable endpoint;
* Object store (Swift) - typically, a directly reachable endpoint but
sometimes it may be deployed externally and added to the region
catalog in Keystone (in which case it might be accessible via a proxy
While sstream-mirror-glance does not support specifying proxy settings
for individual directions, since we know all of them based on the
Keystone catalog, a list of endpoints to add to NO_PROXY environment
variable can be generated dynamically.
The complication is that image syncs are periodically done via a cron
job so a juju-run invocation is needed to retrieve relevant proxy
settings from model-config at each invocation of the synchronization
Additionally, the charm is long-lived so there may be some environments
that rely on legacy proxy settings. This change accounts for that and
acts both on juju-prefixed (new) and unprefixed (legacy) proxy settings.
Whether to use proxy settings for connections to the object store API
is controlled by a charm option which the script is made to react to.
Proxy settings are ignored for object store connections by default.
Closes-Bug: #1843486
Change-Id: Ib1fc5d2eebf43d5f98bb8ee405a3799802c8b8dc
(cherry picked from commit 009c8a7b929c9b961c9cf388c122cffe6f6ae41c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charm- glance- simplestreams- sync/+/ 802052 /opendev. org/openstack/ charm-glance- simplestreams- sync/commit/ a18cca2ec0d8430 72c4cc732d63931 10ac0124af
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/21.04
commit a18cca2ec0d8430 72c4cc732d63931 10ac0124af
Author: Dmitrii Shcherbakov <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 15 20:49:16 2021 +0300
Dynamically generate proxy settings for image syncs
sstream- mirror- glance has several endpoints it needs to talk to:
* Image mirrors - typically, public Internet endpoints;
* Keystone - typically, a directly reachable endpoint;
* Glance - typically, a directly reachable endpoint;
* Object store (Swift) - typically, a directly reachable endpoint but
sometimes it may be deployed externally and added to the region
catalog in Keystone (in which case it might be accessible via a proxy
While sstream- mirror- glance does not support specifying proxy settings
for individual directions, since we know all of them based on the
Keystone catalog, a list of endpoints to add to NO_PROXY environment
variable can be generated dynamically.
The complication is that image syncs are periodically done via a cron
job so a juju-run invocation is needed to retrieve relevant proxy
settings from model-config at each invocation of the synchronization
Additionally, the charm is long-lived so there may be some environments
that rely on legacy proxy settings. This change accounts for that and
acts both on juju-prefixed (new) and unprefixed (legacy) proxy settings.
Whether to use proxy settings for connections to the object store API
is controlled by a charm option which the script is made to react to.
Proxy settings are ignored for object store connections by default.
Closes-Bug: #1843486 5f98bb8ee405a37 99802c8b8dc 61c9cf388c122cf fe6f6ae41c)
Change-Id: Ib1fc5d2eebf43d
(cherry picked from commit 009c8a7b929c9b9