I am package maintianer of opencv in Debian.
I comment about SURF and surf_extractor.
SURF (and other) component move to non-free module from opencv 2.4.
Because these indicate possible legal issues of using those algorithms in user applications.
If you want to use these component, you need to link nonfree library.
I am package maintianer of opencv in Debian.
I comment about SURF and surf_extractor.
SURF (and other) component move to non-free module from opencv 2.4.
Because these indicate possible legal issues of using those algorithms in user applications.
If you want to use these component, you need to link nonfree library.
And some Linux distribution (Debian and Ubuntu) stops providing these. bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 678230
By this, sikuli can not build with opencv package.
If possible, you need to consider these substitution.
Best regards,