Comment 0 for bug 681781

Revision history for this message
Bruno Vieira (giuliapo) wrote : Feature request: Save original and last known location of image

In order to improve image finding times, Sikuli could save together with an image some meta information about that image.
the meta information could have the following, for a start:
- last seen coordinates
- original coordinates

So whenever a new image is created, Sikuli would populate these fields.
whenever this image is called by a script, Sikluli would update these fields.

The idea is that whenever the script runs, it can start to look the image on the "last seen coordinates", then on the "original coordinates" and if both fail, the entire screen as it normally does.
I believe this specific Find of the image (using these fields) can be done with a small timing (1s or 2s) so that the script can start searching the entire screen with not much delay.

Best case scenario: Most of the times, a specific image appears on the same location as the last time or very close to it (the last know coordinates can be a bit bigger area than the actual image occupies to allow some variation).

Worst case scenario: the image appears always in differernt places of the screen, thus making Sikuli loose those one or two seconds defined above.

Ir order to get rid of the worst case scenario, Sikuli IDE would allow the user to define a "always search the entire screen" or "contextualized search based on last known location" - or whatever better names for this :)