Comment 3 for bug 667279

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Michael Luthardt (michalu) wrote : Re: [Bug 667279] Re: subfolder import

Am Mittwoch, den 27.10.2010, 15:27 +0000 schrieb Jim Nelson:
> Michael,
> We've had this suggested before, but the original reporter was happy
> with simply drag-and-dropping the particular folders he wanted imported
> into Shotwell, so he closed the ticket. Drag-and-dropping is also
> recursive, but it's easy to select a lot of folders with exactly what
> you want and drop them all in at once rather than one at a time with
> File -> Import From Folder... Does drag-and-drop solve your problem?

I think no. It may every once a while happen that you don't want to
import subfolders.
A bit connected herewith ist the problem, that it's not possible to
select _files_ to import. You have a folder with 1500 pictures imported.
Add later 1 picture into that folder and shotwell compares 1500 pictures
against this one, because you have now to import this 1501 pictures
folder again. Only to hear from shotwell "1500 not imported".
You can't create a tmp folder, put that one picture inside, import from
tmp, move the picture to the rest & delete tmp, because the path to the
original is lost then.