Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit f11fe2e82f5d1cfb2f20e6f7b50584034e4bc39c Author: yatin karel <email address hidden> Date: Sat Jul 16 18:20:18 2016 +0530
Replace deprecated LOG.warn with LOG.warning
LOG.warn is deprecated. It is still used in few modules. Replaced with non-deprecated LOG.warning.
Change-Id: I0496a3618bbe2f53c06d96e1df725763cd39b032 Partial-Bug: #1508442
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/343214 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ senlin/ commit/ ?id=f11fe2e82f5 d1cfb2f20e6f7b5 0584034e4bc39c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit f11fe2e82f5d1cf b2f20e6f7b50584 034e4bc39c
Author: yatin karel <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Jul 16 18:20:18 2016 +0530
Replace deprecated LOG.warn with LOG.warning
LOG.warn is deprecated. It is still used in few modules.
Replaced with non-deprecated LOG.warning.
Change-Id: I0496a3618bbe2f 53c06d96e1df725 763cd39b032
Partial-Bug: #1508442