Incidentally, I looked at bug 1093352 and had a simple patch which fixed
the tab width to a constant value (hard coded). I was looking into whether
you could replace the Gtk.Notebook with a Granite.Widgets.DynamicNotebook
to achieve the same thing but with a variable equal width the same as
Terminal etc. This would also improve consistency with other parts of
Pantheon, but may not be very straightforward. Is this a good idea?
I see that you have adopted this bug now anyway.
Being new to this collaborative development game, I an not sure of the
correct procedure if I want to work on a bug?
On 28 April 2013 18:53, Mario Guerriero <email address hidden> wrote:
> hey I noticed that your patch can be applied to the branch with the
> scratch's rewrite and I did it. Thank you! :)
> ** Changed in: scratch
> Status: Confirmed => In Progress
> ** Branch linked: lp:~mefrio-g/scratch/rework
> --
> You received this bug notification because you are a bug assignee.
> Title:
> File Manager extension causes a crash when viewing empty directories
> Status in Scratch:
> In Progress
> Bug description:
> The File manager extension causes a crash when viewing an empty
> directory. When you expand an empty directory there's a single child
> with no name and an icon. Clicking this entry causes scratch to close.
> To manage notifications about this bug go to:
Jeremy Wootten
Key Fingerprint 37C0 3C2A A6D4 E45B BA7C 4328 2DF2 1882 CB58 5BCD
thanks Mario.
Incidentally, I looked at bug 1093352 and had a simple patch which fixed Widgets. DynamicNotebook
the tab width to a constant value (hard coded). I was looking into whether
you could replace the Gtk.Notebook with a Granite.
to achieve the same thing but with a variable equal width the same as
Terminal etc. This would also improve consistency with other parts of
Pantheon, but may not be very straightforward. Is this a good idea?
I see that you have adopted this bug now anyway.
Being new to this collaborative development game, I an not sure of the
correct procedure if I want to work on a bug?
On 28 April 2013 18:53, Mario Guerriero <email address hidden> wrote:
> hey I noticed that your patch can be applied to the branch with the /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1152182 /bugs.launchpad .net/scratch/ +bug/1152182/ +subscriptions
> scratch's rewrite and I did it. Thank you! :)
> ** Changed in: scratch
> Status: Confirmed => In Progress
> ** Branch linked: lp:~mefrio-g/scratch/rework
> --
> You received this bug notification because you are a bug assignee.
> https:/
> Title:
> File Manager extension causes a crash when viewing empty directories
> Status in Scratch:
> In Progress
> Bug description:
> The File manager extension causes a crash when viewing an empty
> directory. When you expand an empty directory there's a single child
> with no name and an icon. Clicking this entry causes scratch to close.
> To manage notifications about this bug go to:
> https:/
Jeremy Wootten
Key Fingerprint 37C0 3C2A A6D4 E45B BA7C 4328 2DF2 1882 CB58 5BCD