Comment 8 for bug 79785

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Gintautas Miliauskas (gintas) wrote :


I am very glad to receive your comments.

> 1) yes, KOrganizer adds empty lines between VEVENT, VTODO and VJOURNAL. I just
> checked the specification (RFC 2445), and it doesn't say anything about blank
> lines... (neither explicitly allowed, nor explicitly not allowed)

That's fine, we should relax this restriction.

> 2) I just fixed the duration problem, so the next release of korganizer should
> work fine (although KOrganizer can only edit the end time, but not the
> duration).

Excellent. This is very nice to hear, as the duration problem was
critical for nice interoperation.

> 3) KOrganizer (...) writes out all times in UTC (the

SchoolTool was not aware of UTC/local time differences, but now that has
been fixed.

> 4) Concerning the Content-Type header: How exactly do you upload the calendar?
> Do you have a remote resource? Which settings/paths?

Yes, I do have a remote resource. I didn't see any settings that could
be related to the problem. Do you mean to imply that KOrganizer does
currently set the Content-Type header correctly?

Anyway, we have already relaxed this point, because Apple iCal doesn't
set Content-Type either.

> 5) Concerning the recurrences: Can you please send us some sample files that
> don't work?

These were probably mistakes on our part. I haven't done a more
thorough check recently (after fixing some bugs) though; it's possible
that several of these are non-issues already.

Perhaps the yearly recurrence might still have problems. I think that
KOrganizer expects BYMONTH and BYDAY to be specified, whereas SchoolTool
does not specify them. I think that these fields are optional, but I am
not sure.

> 6) Are the exception issues solved so far? (in particular, were these bugs in
> schooltool, or is korganizer at fault, too?)

It was a bug in SchoolTool.

Pardon for the fuss -- the SchoolTool iCalendar implementation is
relatively young and still has some rough edges.

By the way, thanks for KOrganizer -- it's very useful and usable
(although the interface needs a little work usability-wise). People
were aiming for compatibility with Mozilla Calendar and iCal, but I was
advocating KOrganizer; I think it was worth it, because we fixed a
handful of bugs in the process.

Best luck,