If you can believe it, there's no rpm.spec file that exists for _ANY_ version
of @rpm5.org code atm, largely because of policy decisons to distribute
only tar balls and be "vendor neutral"
The yoper rpm.spec is the best I've seen: it's "forward" looking and featureful
and recent. Yes, there's some sereious hacks, but that's @rpm5.org's fault,
not yours or Yoper's. I can/will fix up the rpm-5.2.2 tarball too.
The yoper.spec file will then be used to deploy rpm 5.2.2/5.3.5 under a buildbot
farm currently at http://eastham.rpm5.org:8010. I tried (but not too hard yet)
to get Yoper into the build farm, but the Live CD install into VMFusion did
not reboot (unity live-cd install had same issue, I've just forgotten the fix)).
Tobia: for context ...
If you can believe it, there's no rpm.spec file that exists for _ANY_ version
of @rpm5.org code atm, largely because of policy decisons to distribute
only tar balls and be "vendor neutral"
The yoper rpm.spec is the best I've seen: it's "forward" looking and featureful
and recent. Yes, there's some sereious hacks, but that's @rpm5.org's fault,
not yours or Yoper's. I can/will fix up the rpm-5.2.2 tarball too.
The yoper.spec file will then be used to deploy rpm 5.2.2/5.3.5 under a buildbot eastham. rpm5.org: 8010. I tried (but not too hard yet)
farm currently at http://
to get Yoper into the build farm, but the Live CD install into VMFusion did
not reboot (unity live-cd install had same issue, I've just forgotten the fix)).