I have created a PPA, and used those commands:
sudo apt-get install r5u87x-loader
sudo /usr/share/r5u87x-loader/r5u87x-download-firmware.sh
I though, i found the solution, because my camera worded fine, but when i turned off my pc, and opened it the other day, my camera didn't work. So i did the same steps again. My camera worded again, but as soon as i turned off, and opened my pc the other day, i had the same problem. it's like an infinity loop. what can i do?
I have created a PPA, and used those commands: r5u87x- loader/ r5u87x- download- firmware. sh
sudo apt-get install r5u87x-loader
sudo /usr/share/
I though, i found the solution, because my camera worded fine, but when i turned off my pc, and opened it the other day, my camera didn't work. So i did the same steps again. My camera worded again, but as soon as i turned off, and opened my pc the other day, i had the same problem. it's like an infinity loop. what can i do?