Comment 4 for bug 875650

Revision history for this message
dobey (dobey) wrote :

I don't know what you mean about erlang OTP, but the lack of the Ubuntu One extension for rhythmbox in Ubuntu 11.10 is not a "senseless move" as you so put it. If Banshee had been able to complete the switch to GTK+ 3.x in time, then the Rhythmbox store would still be there. It was a tactical decision to not have the Rhythmbox store, because keeping up with all the changes in Ubuntu 11.10 as a result of GNOME 3.x, was already too much to handle, along with also trying to finish up support for a whole other platform. Maintaining the music store extension for both applications, based on two different versions of GTK+, and WebKit, was just not a feasible endeavor for us to take on.

With the intent of Ubuntu to not have GTK+ 2.x on the CD for Ubuntu 12.04, and with Banshee hopefully supporting GTK+ 3.x very soon, or Ubuntu switching back to Rhythmbox as the default for 12.04, we will be more easily able to provide support for both again.