Same here. Works fine without the UbuntuOne plug-in installed. Once the plug-in is installed the following error occurs and crashes immediately upon loading:
(rhythmbox:2484): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could not open device /dev/radio0
** (rhythmbox:2484): DEBUG: Loading the real store page
** (rhythmbox:2484): WARNING **: Error calling current_status: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
** (rhythmbox:2484): WARNING **: Could not connect to Ubuntu One: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
liboauth: data to sign='GET&'
Same here. Works fine without the UbuntuOne plug-in installed. Once the plug-in is installed the following error occurs and crashes immediately upon loading:
(rhythmbox:2484): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could not open device /dev/radio0
** (rhythmbox:2484): DEBUG: Loading the real store page
** (rhythmbox:2484): WARNING **: Error calling current_status: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
** (rhythmbox:2484): WARNING **: Could not connect to Ubuntu One: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
liboauth: data to sign='GET& https%3A% 2F%2Fone. ubuntu. com%2Fmusic% 2Flogin& oauth_callback% 3DNone% 26oauth_ consumer_ key%3Dubuntuone %26oauth_ nonce%3Ddr8JQqo jzcJVgrWfTVr% 26oauth_ signature_ method% 3DHMAC- SHA1%26oauth_ timestamp% 3D1273331270% 26oauth_ token%3DB1DXfkb BkKZGCsXq5cDJ% 26oauth_ verifier% 3DNone% 26oauth_ version% 3D1.0'
liboauth: key='hammertime &JMkkhHTQpVtbPq 5bN5r4b1CrJCBmK GNXfRSmm2vML1q4 QVzTVn7wXb9tmQB mdNKsSMKMKmR1pg dZ0xbH'
** (rhythmbox:2484): DEBUG: navigation requested to https:/ /one.ubuntu. com/music/ login?oauth_ callback= None&oauth_ consumer_ key=ubuntuone& oauth_nonce= dr8JQqojzcJVgrW fTVr&oauth_ signature_ method= HMAC-SHA1& oauth_timestamp =1273331270& oauth_token= B1DXfkbBkKZGCsX q5cDJ&oauth_ verifier= None&oauth_ version= 1.0&oauth_ signature= kyNC1q% 2BkdlIy3Oskd976 ZzjK6uo% 3D
Segmentation fault