I have issues only when using virt-viewer/virt-manager over ssh (from Fedora25). Simple workaround is to install virt-manager on your host and add the other Qemu/KVM servers as a new connection. Did the magic for me.
I have issues only when using virt-viewer/ virt-manager over ssh (from Fedora25). Simple workaround is to install virt-manager on your host and add the other Qemu/KVM servers as a new connection. Did the magic for me.
https:/ /access. redhat. com/documentati on/en-US/ Red_Hat_ Enterprise_ Linux/6/ html/Virtualiza tion_Administra tion_Guide/ sect-Virtualiza tion-Managing_ guests_ with_the_ Virtual_ Machine_ Manager_ virt_manager- The_open_ connection_ window. html
https:/ /access. redhat. com/documentati on/en-US/ Red_Hat_ Enterprise_ Linux/6/ html/Virtualiza tion_Administra tion_Guide/ chap-Virtualiza tion_Administra tion_Guide- Remote_ management_ of_virtualized_ guests. html