Comment 1 for bug 702153

Revision history for this message
Tony Byrne (tony-badwolf) wrote :

This warning only occurs on first call to package. During this first call, is called with len(sys.argv) of 3. On line 38 there is a assignment
project_version = sys.argv[1]

while sys.argv is ['/path/to/templates/ubuntu-application/', '', '11.03'] so project_version is ''. This causes quickly to attempt to upgrade a file (bin/test-ptoject) that does not need an upgrade so it fails and shows the warning.

Before first call to package .quickly has these contents :

project = test-project
version = 11.03
template = pygtk-application

After that .quickly has these contents :

project = test-project
version = 11.03
template = pygtk-application
version_ubuntu-application = 11.03