Comment 1 for bug 477823

Revision history for this message
John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote : Re: [Bug 477823] [NEW] test_treewidget.TestTreeModel.test_model_working_tree fatal error

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Public bug reported:
> When I run selftest on Windows I'm get error dialog window with the
> following text:
> ---------------------------
> Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
> ---------------------------
> Runtime Error!
> Program: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\bzr.exe
> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> ---------------------------
> ОК
> ---------------------------
> Log in the console (for bzr selftest -s bp.qbzr -v):
> bzrlib.plugins.qbzr.lib.tests.test_treewidget.TestModelItemData.test_sort_key_one_dir OK 14ms
> bzrlib.plugins.qbzr.lib.tests.test_treewidget.TestModelItemData.test_sort_key_sub_dirs OK 0ms
    QPixmap: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice

I think this is the core of the problem. QApplication is where Qt does
all of its memory management, etc. There must be a single QApplication
running when you want to do things with Qt objects.

In my qt based test suites, I created a TestCase like:

import unittest

class TestCaseWithQt(unittest.TestCase):
  the_app = None

  def setUp(self):
    super(TestCaseWithQt, self).setUp()
    if TestCaseWithQt.the_app is None:
      TestCaseWithQt.the_app = QtCore.QApplication() # pass args?

Basically, you just ensure that a singleton QApplication is running. I
would think you could do something similar, or possibly change it around
a bit and do that in 'load_tests'.

def load_tests(...):
  global the_app
  if the_app is None:
    the_app = QtCore.QApplication()
    # ensure an App before running the tests.

This isn't quite as nice, as it will still build the QApplication even
if someone later filters out all qt tests ('bzr selftest -x qbzr'). But
it is probably still a reasonable way to do it.

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