Comment 12 for bug 295130

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Lukáš Lalinský (luks) wrote : Re: [Bug 295130] Re: A way to preview of changes before pushing in the Qpush dialog

Dňa Ut, 2008-11-11 o 07:53 +0000, Mark Hammond napísal:
> I agree - pep8 would also. I think we are just talking about the
> natural evolution of the project though - sometimes things seem trivial
> when started, so merging functionality into one module is appealing,
> then (very slightly) regretted :)
> I should also note that AFAIK, noone has so far insisted qbzr use pep8 -
> the bzr team has for bzr itself, but that doesn't mean I have the right
> to make the same decision for qbzr. OTOH, its a safe default :)

The thing is that Qt uses camel case, while pep8 (and therefore bzrlib)
uses underscores, so it will be messy either way. :) But most of the new
code follows pep8, I think we should stick with that.
