2009/6/2 ubuntol <email address hidden>:
> So finally is there any answer or some hack to make it work temporary
> since I really need to download stuff from the trunk now.
> By the way, I am using Unix system.
The best workaround at present is to manually expand the URL into an
SSH url yourself, eg
2009/6/2 ubuntol <email address hidden>:
> So finally is there any answer or some hack to make it work temporary
> since I really need to download stuff from the trunk now.
> By the way, I am using Unix system.
The best workaround at present is to manually expand the URL into an
SSH url yourself, eg
bzr+ssh: //bazaar. launchpad. net/~bzr/ bzr/trunk
-- launchpad. net/~mbp/>
Martin <http://