As far as xmlrpclib not supporting proxies, this is not really true. See which gives an example of how to use a proxy. (Also pasted below for reference, but it's formatting will probably look weird here.)
To access an XML-RPC server through a proxy, you need to define a custom transport. The following example shows how:
As far as xmlrpclib not supporting proxies, this is not really true. See http:// docs.python. org/library/ xmlrpclib. html which gives an example of how to use a proxy. (Also pasted below for reference, but it's formatting will probably look weird here.)
To access an XML-RPC server through a proxy, you need to define a custom transport. The following example shows how:
import xmlrpclib, httplib
class ProxiedTranspor t(xmlrpclib. Transport) : (self, host):
self.realhost = host HTTP(self. proxy)
connection. putrequest( "POST", 'http:// %s%s' % (self.realhost, handler))
connection. putheader( 'Host', self.realhost)
def set_proxy(self, proxy):
self.proxy = proxy
def make_connection
h = httplib.
return h
def send_request(self, connection, handler, request_body):
def send_host(self, connection, host):
p = ProxiedTransport() 'proxy- server: 8080') time.xmlrpc. com/RPC2', transport=p) currentTime. getCurrentTime( )
server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://
print server.