WebOb change https://github.com/Pylons/webob/pull/230 changed
the way in which the error response body is formatted such that
it's no longer a nested dict. So we have to handle both the
old convention of an error message key to the response body error
dict and the new way with just the error body dict.
But given this was apparently implemented as a long-overdue change
in WebOb the behavior is not likely to change.Handle error response for
Change-Id: I7d589415aa024588faf77c8234ac026110f6c3cd
Closes-Bug: #1559072
(cherry picked from commit 19befa69651a41534c7d25b1a0d3a0cd407afb44)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/462204 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- cinderclient/ commit/ ?id=b20d9fd6563 c1ef295e8a26074 2f2b3e0b8ee327
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit b20d9fd6563c1ef 295e8a260742f2b 3e0b8ee327
Author: Akira KAMIO <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 6 14:10:38 2016 +0900
Handle error response for webob>=1.6.0
WebOb change https:/ /github. com/Pylons/ webob/pull/ 230 changed
the way in which the error response body is formatted such that
it's no longer a nested dict. So we have to handle both the
old convention of an error message key to the response body error
dict and the new way with just the error body dict.
This was reported upstream:
https:/ /github. com/Pylons/ webob/issues/ 235
But given this was apparently implemented as a long-overdue change
in WebOb the behavior is not likely to change.Handle error response for
Change-Id: I7d589415aa0245 88faf77c8234ac0 26110f6c3cd 34c7d25b1a0d3a0 cd407afb44)
Closes-Bug: #1559072
(cherry picked from commit 19befa69651a415