Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 2c1282cecf33162b5483f5cb558f98395945380b Author: Nam Nguyen Hoai <email address hidden> Date: Thu Aug 18 15:24:51 2016 +0700
Add a new column and a new option the 'os port list' cmd
This patch will add a new column called status to the result of the 'os port list' command and --long option to 'os port list' command.
Co-Authored-By: Ha Van Tu <email address hidden> Change-Id: I4f942414e969687304b578ed7f003dd219c0f2f8 Closes-Bug: #1613995 Closes-Bug: #1614321 Partially-Implements: blueprint network-commands-options
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/356300 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- openstackclient /commit/ ?id=2c1282cecf3 3162b5483f5cb55 8f98395945380b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 2c1282cecf33162 b5483f5cb558f98 395945380b
Author: Nam Nguyen Hoai <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 18 15:24:51 2016 +0700
Add a new column and a new option the 'os port list' cmd
This patch will add a new column called status to the
result of the 'os port list' command and --long option
to 'os port list' command.
Co-Authored-By: Ha Van Tu <email address hidden> 7304b578ed7f003 dd219c0f2f8 Implements: blueprint network- commands- options
Change-Id: I4f942414e96968
Closes-Bug: #1613995
Closes-Bug: #1614321