I'm using OpenStack CLI 3.9.0, and using any combination of the above I still get this error on a v3 endpoint.
Steps to duplicate:
As an admin user, do:
$ openstack token issue -f value -c id
Copy the token from the returned value.
Run a catalog list command, get this message:
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user_domain_id'
When I use --os-auth-url and admin port:
$ openstack catalog list --os-auth-type token --os-auth-url http://identity-endpoint:5000/v3 --os-token gAAAAABY...W-fzydtynQ
Note I didn't need to use --os-identity-api-version=3, probably because I have OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 set in the env.
If the client is 3.9.0, what's different about my cloud? I can run this same command on an okata cloud and get the catalog back.
I'm using OpenStack CLI 3.9.0, and using any combination of the above I still get this error on a v3 endpoint.
Steps to duplicate:
As an admin user, do:
$ openstack token issue -f value -c id
Copy the token from the returned value.
Run a catalog list command, get this message:
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user_domain_id'
When I use --os-auth-url and admin port: identity- endpoint: 5000/v3 --os-token gAAAAABY. ..W-fzydtynQ
$ openstack catalog list --os-auth-type token --os-auth-url http://
Note I didn't need to use --os-identity- api-version= 3, probably because I have OS_IDENTITY_ API_VERSION= 3 set in the env.
If the client is 3.9.0, what's different about my cloud? I can run this same command on an okata cloud and get the catalog back.