I patched the orm to get this out:
SELECT "oops_prefix"."id", "oops_prefix"."value", "oops_prefix"."appinstance_id" FROM "oops_prefix" WHERE "oops_prefix"."value" = %s ('F5054932567230492013CE',)
SELECT "oops_appinstance"."id", "oops_appinstance"."title" FROM "oops_appinstance" WHERE "oops_appinstance"."title" = %s ('F5054932567230492013CE',)
INSERT INTO "oops_prefix" ("value", "appinstance_id") VALUES (%s, %s) ('F5054932567230492013CE', 44)
So it looks like the schema needs a tweak to support appinstances that are not noddily short.
This is the file on disk (different because of different python dictionary order; may want to tweak that)
grep -i F5054932567230492013CE -r /srv/oops-amqp/staging/
So this is a misconfigured/oddly configured translations script, trying to dynamically allocate an appserver instance when no sensible reporter exists.
I think we should change the code to not use the oops id, but instead use the hostname or something - or just 'unknown' - its less likely to proliferate.
I patched the orm to get this out: ."value" , "oops_prefix" ."appinstance_ id" FROM "oops_prefix" WHERE "oops_prefix" ."value" = %s ('F505493256723 0492013CE' ,) ce"."id" , "oops_appinstan ce"."title" FROM "oops_appinstance" WHERE "oops_appinstan ce"."title" = %s ('F505493256723 0492013CE' ,) 0492013CE' , 44)
SELECT "oops_prefix"."id", "oops_prefix"
SELECT "oops_appinstan
INSERT INTO "oops_prefix" ("value", "appinstance_id") VALUES (%s, %s) ('F505493256723
So it looks like the schema needs a tweak to support appinstances that are not noddily short.
This is the file on disk (different because of different python dictionary order; may want to tweak that) 92013CE -r /srv/oops-amqp/staging/ 2011-11- 09/OOPS-914c6f3d5bba6a35f70d10c60f21d0d7
grep -i F50549325672304
>>> import bson 2011-11- 09/OOPS-914c6f3d5bba6a35f70d10c60f21d0d7', 'rb').read() staging. launchpad. net/staging/ launchpad/ cronscripts/ translations- export- to-branch. py'], ['script_name', 'translations- export- to-branch' ]],
>>> content = file('/srv/oops-amqp/staging/
>>> d = bson.loads(content)
>>> d.keys()
[u'revno', u'req_vars', u'reporter', u'url', u'branch_nick', u'timeline', u'hostname', u'value', u'ignore', u'time', u'duration', u'type', u'id', u'tb_text']
>>> d['reporter']
>>> d['hostname']
u'req_vars': [['<oops-message-268>', "Failure: error(111, 'Connection refused')"], ['path', '/srv/bazaar.
So this is a misconfigured/oddly configured translations script, trying to dynamically allocate an appserver instance when no sensible reporter exists.
I think we should change the code to not use the oops id, but instead use the hostname or something - or just 'unknown' - its less likely to proliferate.