commit 983f7211a872a5be9698d7c57fda41020765a64a
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 17 07:11:38 2017 -0700
Fix aggregate_update name and availability_zone clash
The name and availability_zone arguments to aggregate update were
replaced by optional parameters in change
I778ab7ec54a376c60f19dcc89fe62fcab6e59e42. However, the '--name' and
'name' arguments in the parser would conflict, resulting in only the
deprecated argument working. Thus, attempting to update the name
on an aggregate using --name would end up doing a PUT with no new
name provided.
Note that there were unit tests for this, but they were not catching
this problem. So, this removes those tests and adds functional tests
to poke it.
Change-Id: Ifef6fdc1a737dd219712a4525d4e34afd3fbd80c
Closes-Bug: #1673789
(cherry picked from commit 20f00553d0d8ed791105d5f7fc8798b9ac6a6a53)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/447082 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- novaclient/ commit/ ?id=983f7211a87 2a5be9698d7c57f da41020765a64a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/ocata
commit 983f7211a872a5b e9698d7c57fda41 020765a64a
Author: Dan Smith <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 17 07:11:38 2017 -0700
Fix aggregate_update name and availability_zone clash
The name and availability_zone arguments to aggregate update were a376c60f19dcc89 fe62fcab6e59e42 . However, the '--name' and
replaced by optional parameters in change
'name' arguments in the parser would conflict, resulting in only the
deprecated argument working. Thus, attempting to update the name
on an aggregate using --name would end up doing a PUT with no new
name provided.
Note that there were unit tests for this, but they were not catching
this problem. So, this removes those tests and adds functional tests
to poke it.
Change-Id: Ifef6fdc1a737dd 219712a4525d4e3 4afd3fbd80c 91105d5f7fc8798 b9ac6a6a53)
Closes-Bug: #1673789
(cherry picked from commit 20f00553d0d8ed7