Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit aa0c39fe2d2b1cd6d83987644928fe5c8811789e Author: Brandon Logan <email address hidden> Date: Fri Feb 27 02:10:10 2015 -0600
Fixed pool and health monitor create bugs
lbaas-pool-create now accepts --name as an optional argument and no longer lists healthmonitor_id as an acceptable argument. lbaas-create-healthmonitor now accepts --pool as an argument so a healthmonitor can be added to a pool.
Change-Id: I7c5ae61a5278119bf5c3999f4b295bd8a291d777 Closes-Bug: #1426246 Closes-Bug: #1426253
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/159743 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- neutronclient/ commit/ ?id=aa0c39fe2d2 b1cd6d839876449 28fe5c8811789e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit aa0c39fe2d2b1cd 6d83987644928fe 5c8811789e
Author: Brandon Logan <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 27 02:10:10 2015 -0600
Fixed pool and health monitor create bugs
lbaas- pool-create now accepts --name as an optional argument and no longer lists or_id as an acceptable argument. lbaas-create- healthmonitor
now accepts --pool as an argument so a healthmonitor can be added
to a pool.
Change-Id: I7c5ae61a527811 9bf5c3999f4b295 bd8a291d777
Closes-Bug: #1426246
Closes-Bug: #1426253