Fix lb-healthmonitor-update to work with correct object
Previously in case specified id was incorrect, client fetched
healthmonitors trying to filter them by name which had no effect since
healthmonitor object doesn't have name attribute.
The patch fixes the behavior by making lb-healthmonitor-update rely
on finding resource by id, not by name-or-id
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/54529 github. com/openstack/ python- neutronclient/ commit/ ad64270c2534376 916ecf729fbdc20 c052d5e036
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit ad64270c2534376 916ecf729fbdc20 c052d5e036
Author: Eugene Nikanorov <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 30 16:01:03 2013 +0400
Fix lb-healthmonito r-update to work with correct object
Previously in case specified id was incorrect, client fetched r-update rely
healthmonitors trying to filter them by name which had no effect since
healthmonitor object doesn't have name attribute.
The patch fixes the behavior by making lb-healthmonito
on finding resource by id, not by name-or-id
Change-Id: Iade1c3270ec6c6 0362dd9a9b5e2ff db0ad9430c1
Closes-Bug: #1245859