Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 0d532673d7667f30828cb4e62e5f9ed0260f6bf0 Author: Chris Yeoh <email address hidden> Date: Mon Sep 30 22:30:10 2013 +0930
Adds ExternalIpAddressExhaustedClient exception
Adds the ExternalIpAddressExhaustedClient exception so a more specific exception than NeutronClientException is raised when IPs run out. This will allow for better exception handling in Nova.
Closes-Bug: 1233143
Change-Id: I9f40bf14eec0f485dfd21b36605a2474b99a8941
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/48929 github. com/openstack/ python- neutronclient/ commit/ 0d532673d7667f3 0828cb4e62e5f9e d0260f6bf0
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 0d532673d7667f3 0828cb4e62e5f9e d0260f6bf0
Author: Chris Yeoh <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 30 22:30:10 2013 +0930
Adds ExternalIpAddre ssExhaustedClie nt exception
Adds the ExternalIpAddre ssExhaustedClie nt exception so ception is raised
a more specific exception than NeutronClientEx
when IPs run out. This will allow for better exception
handling in Nova.
Closes-Bug: 1233143
Change-Id: I9f40bf14eec0f4 85dfd21b36605a2 474b99a8941